
In this Photoshop Lesson, we’ll learn about ‘Define Pattern command in Photoshop‘ and ‘How to make a pattern in Photoshop’. Define Pattern command is available under Edit menu in Photoshop.

My name is Lalit Adhikari and we are at LTY. Let’s begin!

What is a Pattern in Photoshop

A pattern is an image or visual that is repeated or tiled. Tiling, here, means sub-dividing a computer graphics selection into a series of squares and placing them on a layer or within the selection.

We can use patterns in Photoshop to fill a layer or selection. Photoshop comes with various preset patterns. We can create new patterns and save them to use with different tools and commands.

Preset patterns are displayed in the pop-up panels in the option bar for the Paint Bucket tool, Pattern Stamp tool, Healing Brush and Patch tools as well as in the Layer Style dialog box.

We can change how patterns are displayed in the pop-up panels by choosing a display option from the pop-up panel menu.

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How to make a Pattern in Photoshop

To make a pattern from a image, we’ll need a base image. This base image will provide us with parts to be used as pattern. For this tutorial, I’ve chosen the following image.

Royalty free image from Pexels

Now, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open image in Photoshop

Image open in Photoshop
Image open in Photoshop

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Step 2: Select Rectangular Marquee Tool

Select Rectangular Marquee Tool and create a selection around the part of the image to be used as pattern.

Rectangular selection around one of the flowers
Selection created using Rectangular Marquee Tool

Step 3: Go to Edit > Define Pattern…

Define Pattern in Photoshop
Define Pattern command under Edit menu

The following dialog box will open.

Define pattern in photoshop
Define Pattern dialog box

Enter a name for the pattern and click OK.

Step 4: Create a New Document

Now, we’ll create a New Document to try out our new pattern.

Related Topics:

Step 5: Go to Edit > Fill

After creating new document, go to Edit > Fill and chose following settings in the dialog box.

  • From contents, chose Pattern.
Fill command dialog box in photoshop
Fill dialog box
  • From Custom Pattern chose the newly defined pattern at the bottom.
Fill command dialog box in photoshop
Fill dialog box

Then click OK.

Step 6: Final output

Pattern filled in photoshop
Pattern filled in photoshop

Related Topics:

How to create custom pattern in Photoshop

As we know, a pattern includes a repeating design or visual. So, to create a custom pattern, we need to create the small part of the pattern which will be repeated.

Step 1: Create a new document

In this case, we’ll need to create a small document for repetition. I’ll be creating 30 px by 30 px document.

new document dialog box in photoshop
New Document dialog box

Step 2: Create your design or visual

Now, we’ll have to create the smallest part of our pattern which we need to repeat in order to create a pattern. I’ve created the following smiley.

Design to be made pattern in photoshop
Smiley to be made pattern

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Step 3: Define Pattern

Go to Edit > Define Pattern again. Then rename it if needed and click OK.

Define Pattern in photoshop
Define Pattern dialog box

Step 4: Create new document

Now, to try out the pattern, we’ll have to create a New Document.

Step 5: Go to Edit > Fill

Chose Pattern from Contents and again from Custom Pattern chose the newly defined pattern at the bottom.

Fill dialog box in photoshop
Fill dialog box

Step 6: Final Result

Pattern filled in photoshop
Custom pattern filled in photoshop

Related Topics:

  1. Type menu in Photoshop
  2. How to Crop in Photoshop
  3. Brush Tool in Photoshop
  4. Pen Tool in Photoshop
  5. What is Digital Painting
  6. History Brush Tool in Photoshop
  7. Color Replacement Tool & Mixer Brush Tool
  8. Healing, Clone & Pattern Stamp Tools in Photoshop
  9. How to use Gradient Tool in Photoshop
  10. Burn, Dodge & Sponge Tool in Photoshop

Lalit Adhikari
Lalit Adhikari

Lalit Adhikari is the Main Author and Admin at Learn That Yourself. He has work experience of more than 10 years in the field of Multimedia and teaching experience of more than 5 years.

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