Category Graphic Designing

All Graphic Design tutorials available at Learn That Yourself (LTY) by Lalit Adhikari.

Feather in Photoshop

Cover image for Feather in Photoshop blog

In this blog, I will be discussing about, ‘What is Feather in Photoshop‘, ‘How to use Feather in Photoshop’ & ‘Shortcut to apply Feather in a selection’. My name is Lalit Adhikari and we are at LTY. Let’s get started!

Basics of Design

Basics of Design

In this blog, we will be discussing about, ‘The Basics of Design’, ‘The Basics of Graphic Design‘, ‘Basics of Design Layout and Typography for beginners’, ‘Basics of Design thinking’ or ‘Basics of design and graphics’. My name is Lalit M…

Breaking Down Creative Barricades

Breaking down creativity barricades

As an artist and designer, one of the most frustrating things that come up against us is “Creative Barricades or Blocks”. Have you ever felt like you have something you need to do or want to do but and you have…

Creativity is a Journey not Destination

creativity is a journey not a destination

Sometimes, ‘easy’ can be ‘difficult’. Have you ever been assigned any task which is actually difficult to perform but not for everyone? And that is when you experience frustration. It is similar when a boss comes to a meeting and tells you to…

Anatomy of Head for drawing

Anatomy of head

After studying Human Body Proportions, now we will learn about Anatomy of Head. It will include, ‘The Proportions, Shape and Composition of Skull’, ‘How to differentiate between male & female skull’, ‘Placement & Function of Facial muscles’ & ‘How to…