Starting CorelDRAW, marks the beginning of our CorelDRAW Lessons and Tutorials.

My name is Lalit Adhikari and we are at LTY. Let’s begin!

CorelDRAW Interface

The User-Interface of CorelDRAW is simple and easy to understand. The home screen in CorelDRAW is called Welcome Screen.

Application Window

NumberPart Name
2Document Tab
3Title bar
4Menu bar
6Drawing window
7Porperty bar
10Document Palette
11Document Navigator
12Drawing Page
13Status Bar
15Color Palette
Parts number as per image shown above

Welcome Screen

It is a centralized location for product information, alternative application workspaces, learning resources and plug-ins etc.

CorelDRAW welcome screen

CorelDraw Terms

S. No.TermDescription
1ObjectIt is an element in a drawing such as an image, shape, line, text, curve, symbol or layer.
2DrawingIt is the work we create in CorelDRAW.
3Vector graphicIt is an image generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position, length and direction in which lines are drawn.
4BitmapIt is an image composed of grids of pixels.
5DockerIt is a window that contains available commands and settings relevant to a specific tool or task.
6FlyoutIt is a button that opens a group of related tools or menu items.
7List boxIt is a list of options that drops down when a user clicks the down arrow button.
8Artistic textIt is a type of text to which you can apply special effects, such as shadows.
9Paragraph textIt is a type of text to which you can apply formatting options and which can be edited in large blocks.
CorelDRAW terms and description


CorelDRAW offers a collection of workspaces which are designed to help increase productivity with quick access to mostly-used tools.

Some of available workspaces are:

S. No.WorkspacesDescription
1LiteFor beginners, Lite workspace is ideal for getting started with CorelDRAW. It makes most commonly used tools and features more accessible.
2X6 InspiredIt is almost identical to default CorelDRAW workspace. Mainly for experienced CorelDRAW users who are looking for a seemless transition to a modern CorelDRAW.
3DefaultIt has been redesigned to provide a more intutive placement of tools and controls. It is ideal for users with experience in other Vector Graphic Software.
4TouchIt is optimized for touch enabled devices.
5IllustrationIt is designed to make the process of creating Book Cover design, Magazine Ads, Stroyboards and other types of illustrations more intutive and efficient.
6Page LayoutIt is optimized for arranging graphics and text objects so it can be easier to create compelling layouts for business cards, branding materials, product packaging or multipage documents such as brochures and newsletters.
7Adobe IllustratorIt simulates the Adobe Illustrator by positioning the CorelDRAW features where you would find the equivalent feature in Adobe Illustrator. It is ideal if you recently switched from Adobe Illustrator to CorelDRAW and you are not familiar with the CorelDRAW.
CorelDRAW workspaces and their descriptions
CorelDRAW workspaces

Components in Application Window

CorelDRAW components
1ToolboxA docked bar with tools for filling, creating and modifying objects in the drawing.
2Document TabA tab display for each open document to allow us to quickly move between documents.
3Title BarA bar that displays the title of the present chosen drawing.
4Menu BarThe are containing drop-down menu options.
5ToolbarShortcuts to commands and menu can be obtained from this detachable bar.
6Drawing WindowThe area outside the drawing page bordered by the scroll bars and application controls.
7Property barA detachable bar with commands that relate to the active tool or object.
8DockerA window containing available commands and settings relevant to a specific tool or task.
9RulersTo determine the size and position of objects in a drawing. Horizontal and vertical borders are used as rulers.
10Document PaletteA dockable bar that contains color swatches for the current document.
11Document NavigatorThe area that has the controls for moving between pages and adding pages at the bottom-left of the application window.
12Drawing PageThe rectangular area inside the drawing window. It is the printable area of our work area.
13Status BarAn area at the bottom of the application window that holds the information about object properties such as size, color, resolution, type and fill. The status bar also displays the current cursor position.
14NavigatorA button at the lower-right corner that opens a smaller display to help us move around a drawing.
15Color PaletteA dockable bar that contains color swatches.
Number in the table are in reference to the image above.


The toolbox contains tools for drawing and editing objects. Some of the tools are visible by default while most of the tools are grouped inside flyouts.

These tools can be accessed by clicking the small arrow in the lower-right corner of the tool.

Property Bar

Property bar displays the most commonly used functions related to active tool or the object. It resembles the toolbar but content on Property bar changes depending on active tool or object.

For Example: If we chose Text tool in Toolbox. The Property bar will display options such as formatting, editing text and alignment etc.

Property bar CorelDRAW


By default, the standard toolbar contains buttons and shortcut controls for many of menu commands. Any toolbar can be displayed in the workspaces at all times if needed.

S. No.ToolbarDescription
1TextA bar with relevant commands for formatting and aligning text.
2ZoomIt contain commands for zooming in and out of a drawing page by specifying percentage of original view, select Zoom tool and selecting a page view.
3InternetIt contain commands for web related tools for creating rollovers and publishing to the internet.
4Print MergeIt contain commands for print merge items that combine text with a drawing such as creating and loading data files, creating fields for variable text and inserting print merge fields.
5TransformIt contain commands for skewing, rotating and mirroring objects.
6MacrosIt contain commands for editing, testing and running macros.
Toolbar options and descriptions


Dockers provides control such as options, list boxes and command buttons are displayed in Dockers. They are similar to controls in dialog boxes. They can be kept open to access commands to experiment different effects while working on an object which ia not possible in most of the dialog box controls.

Dockers have features similar to panels in any other graphics program.

Dockers can be either docked or floating in the application window. When a docker is attached at the edge of the application window, palette or toolbox, it is termed as docked docker.

On the contrary, floating dockers are not attached to any workspace element.

When working on a document, if two or more dockers are opened, they appear nested and display only one docker at a time. We can click on the docker’s tab to access a hidden docker.

Dockers can be moved or collapsed to save screen space.

Status Bar

Status bar displays information of selected objects which includes fill type, color, cursor position, out line etc and document color information such as Color Profile and Color Proofing status etc.

Similarities between Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW

Both these software, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW, are Vector Software having many similarities. Hence making it easy to move from one application to another.

Comparing Tools

Many tools of both the software produce the same results, even if there mode of operation and names differ.

S. No.Adobe Illustrator ToolsCorelDRAW Tools
1Selection tool, Scale tool, Skew tool, Rotate toolPick tool
2Add AnchorPoint tool Shape tool
3Pencil toolFreehand tool
4Paintbrush toolArtistic media tool or Brush tool
5Rectangle tool, Rounded Rectangle toolRectangle tool
6Type tool, Area Type tool, Path Type toolText tool
7Reflect toolMirror buttons
8Scissors toolKnife tool
9Star toolPolygon tool or Star shapes
10Symbol Sprayer toolArtistic media tool
11Twist toolInteractive twister distortion tool
12Warp toolSmudge Brush tool or Envelope tool
13Convert Anchor Point tool, Delete Anchor Point tool, Direct Selection Tool, Reshape toolShape tool
14Line Segment toolFreehand tool
15Blend ToolInteractive Blend tool
16Ellipse toolEllipse tool
17Drop Shadow toolInteractive Drop Shadow tool
18Gradient tool, Paint bucket toolInteractive Fill tool
19Mesh toolInteractive Mesh Fill tool
20Measure toolDimension tool
21Rectangular Grid toolGraph Paper tool
22Wrinkle toolRoughen Brush tool
Comparing tools of Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW

Comparing Terms

S. No.Adobe Illustrator TermsCorelDRAW Terms
1Anchor PointsNodes
3Compound objectCombine
4Gradient FillFountain Fill
5Mask PowerClip
6Outline viewWireframe view
8Placing imagesInserting images
9RasterizingConverting to a bitmap
11Swatches PaletteColor Palette
Comparing Terms for Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW

Lalit Adhikari
Lalit Adhikari

Lalit Adhikari is the Main Author and Admin at Learn That Yourself. He has work experience of more than 10 years in the field of Multimedia and teaching experience of more than 5 years.

Articles: 275


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