what is emotional flooding


- Emotional flooding is when we become overwhelmed with emotion to the point that our thinking brain goes offline temporarily.


- We lose the ability to think, hear or communicate clearly.


- It can feel like we have gone into our stress response - flight, fight, freeze or fawn.


- Our nervous system goes into overdrive.


- We might have a physiological response which includes increased heart rate, tight chest, sweaty palms and shallow breathing.

what to do when you're emotional flooding


1. Pause:

If you're in the middle of an argument take a pause until you're feeling calm.


2. Self-soothe:

Notice what's happening and do something to help you feel calm. Example: take a walk, have a shower or play with your pet.


3. Breathe:

Take long deep breaths trying to fill and empty your lungs for 60 seconds.


4. Thoughts:

Check if you have any unhelpful thoughts that are hijacking your internal dialogue and redirect them.


5. Reflect:

Once you're feeling calm reflect on any triggers if possible and talk to your partner about them.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.