Things you should tell your daughter

At 7, it's okay if you like blue more than pink. It's okay if you like cars more than dolls. You get to decide what you like.


At 14, it's okay to feel conscious about yourself. But what's not okay is someone else making you feel bad for not conforming to their standards of 'beauty'.


At 16, please sleep if he doesn't text you tonight. It's not worth it. You're too young for all this sadness.


At 18, he will break your heart or maybe you will break his heart. But you will cry, anyway. I'll be in the next room with ice-cream and stories.


At 20, you'll fall in love again, invite him for dinner. He should know that if things go wrong, he'll break two hearts.


At 21, if college or your workplace has a toxic environment. Report it. Call it Out. There is nothing more important than your mental peace.


At 28, maybe you'll find someone, a girl or a unicorn. Love that someone with all you've. Unicorns are rare, you know.


Even after all this time, even when I'm old, remember, I always have your back, always. Love, Dad/ Mom


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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