1. Eat That Frog

Tackle you most important tasks first. Use 9-10 AM time as "Crush" time.

During this time, we need to get our most challenging tasks out of the way. Don't disturb one-another with questions. Whichever activity, we are dreading the most is probably the one, we need to complete first thing in the morning.

2. Plan Tomorrow Tonight

Create a short and simple list of To-Dos at night.

It'll help us hit the ground running in the morning. It'll establish a Productive momentum to carry us through the rest of the day.

3. List your 'Crucial Results' for the day

Create a Spreadsheet, listing your Top 3 Crucial Results for each day.

This will help us plan each day productively. It'll also make sure that we are maintaining our focus on the most important tasks each day.

4. Change your Self-Talk

This simple shift in perspective can do wonders in your motivations and energy levels.

Instead of saying, "I've too much to do today." Say, "These are the two things I need to focus on today."

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