how to restore self-confidence


1. Understand that the only way is up from the bottom.

Once you're at your lowest and acknowledge there are people in much worse situations; be grateful that it is the case. You have a new opportunity every day to make a small change.


2. Understand the power of momentum.

It all begins with a single step. To create momentum, do this: - Dress up for a week - Learn something new for 10 mins a day - Exercise for 30 mins Completing tasks like this will start to boost your self-esteem.


3. Own your strengths

Leverage your strengths to build your confidence. Repeatedly doing things you are good at reinforces your ability and gives you a boost; you can actually do something well.


4. Stop comparing yourself.

"Comparison is the thief of joy." Social media sets unrealistic expectations for all of us that can never be reached. There might be an appearance of a great life, but you don't know if the people behind the pics are actually happy.


5. Be self-aware.

Never lie to yourself. Accept your imperfections. There is always room for improvement doesn't matter how good you think you are. Embrace it.


6. Kill the negative thoughts.

Catch yourself when your thoughts go towards the dark side. How much of it is true? Probably nothing, we tend to exaggerate our views of ourselves which keep us in a hole mentally. Question these false beliefs.


7. Spend time with loved ones.

Surround yourself with positive people as often as possible. They'll help you see your own worth and help you on track to becoming your best self.


8. Your choices matter

When we make healthy choices such as: - Eating right - Exercising - Getting enough sleep -- Cutting off toxic people They provide a great boost to your confidence.


9. Remember...

- You are capable - You are loved - You are strong enough - You are brave - You can achieve everything you put your mind to.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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