how to become a millionaire


Have 3+ streams of income

99% people chase money only 1% make it.  You don't have to quit your job. Use your job to: - Save and start a business offline - Set your offline business in order - Seek advice from mentor and start an online business (min $500)


Spend atleast 100 minutes of your day in reading

87% of rich people are obsessed with reading. Financial education is only self-taught. Start by reading these books: - Human Nature - Atomic Habits - Rich Dad Poor Dad - Think and Grow Rich


Wake up at 4 or 5 AM

People dread at waking up early, but this saves you few hours of your day. Cultivate these habits: - Make your bed - Take one or two glass of water - Do exercises - Read 50+ pages Success is hidden in your daily habits.


Sleep for 7-8 hours

Having a healthy and long sleep, helps you to refresh completely. Do this for good sleep: - Be active during the day - Eat 3 hours before bed - Wear super comfortable outfits Don't forget to set the alram.


Adopt writing habit

Write your thoughts on a paper. By doing this you will get more clarity about your goals, and it will help you to achieve it 10 times faster. Do this: - Write your goal - State the process or ways to achieve it - Visualize the end goal - Take a course of action


Take Risks

Let the fear of unknown set you free. You can control just too little. Open new businesses. Meet top executives. Take a scary deal. When taking a risk, ensure that there is a net margin of $100K between assets and liabilities.


Spend 30 minutes a day alone

To tap in your creative juices, embrace solitude. This will help you: - Reduce stress - Boost your confidence - Boost mental strength - Get clarity about your goals


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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