discover secrets to achieve goals

Only 8% of people are able to achieve their Goals! Their secret is habits.


Consistent habits allow us to achieve our goals. The following 8 lessons will allow you to achieve your goals.

Begin with the end in mind


Imagine your future and then create it. When you know what you want and create a plan to achieve it, you can work backward to what you need to do each day to succeed.

Reduce friction


Choose goals and habits that align with your life. Make it as simple as possible to form habits.

Prime your environment


If you want to write, set up a writing area. If you want to work out, set up a home gym. Setting up our environment to facilitate our desired habits will mean we are more likely to follow through.

Discipline > Motivation


Motivation fades. Discipline remains. Develop discipline over time. When you're consistent, you build your discipline muscles day in and day out. Keep building.

Use the When - Then hack


Tie the work to a specific activity or time. For example: - When I am done brushing my teeth, I will floss. - When I wake up, I will take the dog for a walk.

Reward Yourself


Setup an external reward system. Have a cheat meal on Sunday when you've run each day this week. When you've read a book each day, watch a movie on the weekend. When we reward the behavior, we're more likely to maintain a commitment to the behavior.

Track your progress


Create a journal. Publish results online. The more public your tracking, the more likely you'll succeed. When we add the element of public accountability, we increase our likelihood of persisting.

Start small


Do not try to achieve your goals in one step. Make the first step as small as possible. For example: - walk two miles - read five pages of a book - exercise for fifteen minutes Often, we will do more than we set out to do which is the goal.

Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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