Common holiday triggers

Yes, you're not crazy, the holidays can be totally triggering for a myriad of reasons!


Being around family members whose political beliefs are, clinically-speaking, bananas.


Family members who don't respect your boundaries.


Being expected to participate in religious rituals that don't resonate with you.


Being reminded to keep quiet about an old family secret.


Family and friends commending on your appearance, weight or progress in life.


Being around lots of alcohol, food or substances you're trying to consume in moderation.


Being an adult and returning to your childhood home.


Not feeling remotely f*cking festive.


Being expected to play a role in your family that you have since outgrown (daddy's little girl, scapegoat, mom's therapist etc.)


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself)

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