By age 25, you should be smart enough to realize that...


1. Celebrities, politicians and the mainstream media don't live in the same truth as you do.


2. The person you marry can be the biggest financial decision you will ever make.

The right one will be an asset who will build with you. The wrong one will be a liability that will destroy you. Choose wisely.


3. There's literally nothing appealing about going out to bars, drinking and partying all through your 20s.

Use this time to create a solid foundation for yourself and your future self.


4. Choosing a life partner based solely on looks and your urges is going to cost you in the end.


5. Worrying about what someone else is thinking, saying or doing will not make your life better.


6. Nobody is going to pay attention when you are dead and most likely, they are not even paying attention now.

So why be concerned about making mistakes?


7. The person you see in the mirror who has gone through a lot, the toughest times and is still standing.

That's the same person who deserves all the best from you.


8. No amount of love from others will ever be enough to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you.

Work on a daily basis to make sure you are in love with yourself.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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