Did you know the simple act of sweating helps detox you body, strengthen your immune system and boosts mental awareness.
Sweating releases endorphins which is a natural pain reliever and boosts blood flow to your muscles which improves recovery.
Sweat Daily.
2. Lift something heavy.
Heavy thing strengthens bone density which helps prevent injuries.
It also helps you build muscle mass and burn calories needed to live a healthy lifestyle.
Lifting heavy also tests your mental strength just as much as your physical strength.
3. Get your heart rate up.
Raising your heart rate by exercise trains your body to move blood and oxygen to your muscles more efficiently.
Having a healthy heart leads to a longer life, better sleep and better prevention of disease.
4. Do something fun.
It is important to let the inner child in you out from time to time and simply have fun.
When you are having fun your body immediately reduce stress, increases serotonin levels, helps you deal with stress, boosts energy, memory and concentration.
5. Do something that scares you.
Embracing you fears gives you untapped potential. How can you ever know what you are capable of if you are too scared to find out?
Overcoming fears help you develop courage, wisdom and compassion and failure can be life's best teaching tool.
6. Laugh Daily.
Laughter reduces stress, anxiety and other negative emotions.
The sheer act of laughing puts you in a good mood, is contagious and draws more positive energy your way.
Every time you laugh you literally improving your physical and mental health.
7. Love.
Love is the reason people wake up in the mornings.
Love also naturally helps you take care of yourself, it can give you a sense of pride to be healthy, be active and live a longer life.
Find people who you love to share your life with. Tell them you love them daily.
8. Talk to strangers.
Strangers can offer you a unique perspective into the world around you and have so much to teach us.
Your partner was once a stranger, so were your best friends. Imagine if you never connected with them.
How much different would your life be today?
9. Be Authentic
The most important part of your life is when you find out who you are and why you are here.
The answers are different for all of us and you will never know them until you actively search for them.
Search for yourself, connect with your soul.
Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.
Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).