8 harsh truths about life


1. Success is 5% Brain and 95% Consistency.


2. Your time and energy are leaking from 3 cracks: - Social Media - Overthinking - Meaningless Relationship

Instead of Productivity hacks, fix these cracks first. 


3. If someone can't tell you what their flaws are, they have the most dangerous flaws of them all. A Lack of Self-Awareness.


4. Imagine playing Monopoly and never buying any assets or investments that generate income.

Imagine you just went around collecting $200, giving your money to the rich and trying to stay out of jail. That is how most people live their lives.


5. Someone's ability to resist material things says more about their character rather than their ability to obtain them.


6. Just because a relationship has lasted a long time doesn't mean it's working.


7. Self-Respect comes from Self-Control. You'll never respect yourself if you're a slave to people pleasing and external validation.


8. Social media is designed to make you think: "Maybe I should be somewhere else, doing something else with someone else." 

But if you always think your happiness is somewhere else, it'll never be where you are.


Now, go quite and start building yourself.

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