8 signs you are doing better


1. You are involved in less casual relationships.

You have started considering 'Quality' over 'Quantity' rule as an approach to start new relationship.


2. You are serious about your most important 'Goals'.

Most people don't even know their goals, or they just follow the crowd. Having goals and being serious about them means you are doing way better than majority of people.


3. You went through hard times.

You now embrace the importance of hard times. Going through hardships is good. It makes you strong for the upcoming events that life is going to serve you.


4. You have stopped trying to change yourself (Self-Acceptance).

Regardless that every 'Guru' out there is preaching to you about change. You have realized that you need improvement in everyday life and not change.


5. You seek 'Peace' over Pleasure.

Most people just look for the next dopamine hit. If you are seeking peace instead, it means you are already doing better.


6. You 'Learn' from mistakes.

Most people run away from their problems, or they blame others for their mistake. But you own your mistakes and learn from them, that's very rare nowadays.


7. You trust that everything will be alright while putting in the necessary efforts.

You trust that universe has great things for you, and you keep continuing your action to bring them into reality.


8. You have learned to enjoy your own company without feeling lonely (solitude).

Many people can't even spend an hour by themselves.


If you reached till here, you are now among 3% of the people who finished what they started. You love progress, you are passionate and ambitious. Keep doing your deeds, trust the process, believe everything happens for a reason and you will succeed in your life.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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