8 signs of an authentic person

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They respect everyone.

They only respect people with power.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They admire others and often praise others.

They criticize others to make themselves look great.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They express their opinions openly.

They gossip a lot.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They're nice and helpful most of the time.

They're only nice when they have a hidden agenda.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They don't brag.

They show off all the time.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They don't try to make people like them.

They try hard to make people like them.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They always try their best to live up to their promises.

They make commitments easily but seldom keep them.

Genuine People:

Fake People:


They aren't attention seekers.

They are desperate for attention.

Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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