8 googling tips for better results


1. Eliminate unwanted results by adding a minus sign.


2. In Google Chrome, using shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + T Opens the tab you just closed.


3. Quotation Marks ""

Put quotes around search terms to let you search exactly for that word. All results will have your terms in it. Example: "James Clear" gives you all James Clear search without just 'James' or just 'Clear'.


4. Tilde ~

Use Tilde when you want synonyms to appear in the result. Example: music~classes Here you only get music classes, lessons and coaching etc.


5. Two periods ..

Use two periods to search within 2 number ranges. Example: movies 1980..2000


6. File Type:

Filter by a certain file type related to your search. Example: warren buffet filetype:pdf This filters out all the click-bait news or Buffet news article you don't want to read.


7. Location:

Find news related to a particular location. Example: Elon Musk location:sanfrancisco


8. In Chrome, use the shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + N

Opens private browsing. You know. For buying gifts.


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