8 Best Life Lessons


1. Your entire life can change in an instant.

So instead of passively taking what you have for granted, be grateful for it and do whatever good you can with it.


2. It's okay to feel lost sometimes.

The truth is that you owe nothing to your younger self, but you owe everything to your present self.


3. Action breeds more clarity than thought.

So, you can't think your way into a new life, you have to act your way into it.


4. Chasing happiness will lead you to misery until you realize that happiness is the way.


5. If you want to change the trajectory of your life, embrace these rules and apply them: - Commitment is what gets you started. - Consistency is what gets you somewhere. - Persistence is what keeps you going.


6. We breakdown little by little, day by day, but we can also take care of ourselves, and build ourselves up, little by little, day by day.

Why? Because your habits define you, what you do today is a reflection of who you will become tomorrow.


7. Share your progress, not your goals, and you'll always be motivated.


8. Every second you spend comparing your life to someone else is a second spent wasting yours.

So, stop comparing and create your own definition of success instead.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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