7 ways to win arguments


1. Confusing people is always the best strategy.

If someone is yelling, ask them if they want sand. Works every time.


2. While having a conversation with someone, stare at their forehead.

Stare at their forehead between and slightly above the eye-line. It throws them off their game, and they have harder time lying to you or trying to influence you.


3. When they want to fight, stay calm and agree with them.

It frustrates them that they can't rile you up and essentially exposes them for being an aggressor or manipulator.


4. Give them a sincere compliment.

If someone yells at you for no reason, make it an absolute priority to ask how their day was going or compliment them. Show them you care, and you may change their entire outlook. Holding a grudge is bad for your health.


5. When you know you are right.

But someone is doing their best to argue with you, say something like: "Yes. I know you are smart enough to understand that it is X." They feel like they will look stupid if they keep trying to argue Y.


6. Storytelling goes hand in hand with empathy.

It puts data to support your argument in context. Create compelling story using: - Empathy - Facts - Emotions


7. Silence

Stay quiet for long, uncomfortable moment whenever someone says anything stupid or makes an unreasonable request. People start second-guessing everything and revealing the stupid things they have done that got them to this point.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.