7 Types of Rest:

Have you ever slept 7+ hours but still felt Exhausted?


While sleeping is physical rest, you actually need 7 types of rest to avoid burnout. So, stay at your best with these 7 types of rest.

1. Physical Rest


Lack of sleep and overtraining deplete your body's energy. Get two types of physical rest, i.e., passive and active.



- Sleep 7+ hours nightly - Take power naps (as needed)

- Stretch - Get a message - Use an ergonomic chair + desk

2. Mental Rest


Mental rest deficit is caused by overtaxing your thinking. - Write down your to-dos - Reference checklists (packing, groceries, etc.) - Create a shutdown ritual to separate work and life. - Take a break from problem-solving. - Meditate

3. Social Rest


Evaluate your relationships. - Spend more time with people who give you energy. - Spend less time with people who steal your energy. - If you're an introvert, block out time to be alone.

4. Spiritual Rest


Be a part of something bigger than yourself. - Volunteer - Work a job that feels purpose-driven - Participate in faith-based activities (if aligned to your belief system).

5. Sensory Rest


The modern individual is overstimulated. - Take a break from social media - Turn off notifications (sounds and visual alerts) - Limit video meetings - Set a relaxing evening ambiance (soothing music, candles etc.)

6. Emotional Rest


Emotional rest deficit occurs when you feel like you can't be authentic. Example: An airline attendant who must always smile, despite rude passengers. - Spend time with people you can be authentic around - Try speaking with a therapist to release emotional labor

7. Creative Rest


Appreciate beauty in any form, whether natural or human-created.



- Take in a sunrise or sunset - Go for a walk in the nature

- Visit a museum or art festival - Engage with inspiring music, books, documentaries etc.

Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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