7 Things you need to hear today!


1. God has you right where 'He' wants you. You are not behind. Keep following your path that 'He' has for your life, not anyone else's.


2. If you're stuck in your past, you can't fully live in the present. God has forgiven you and it's time for you to forgive you too.


3. Be okay with being different. There's nothing wrong with you. Don't try to change who you are to fit in. God created you to be set apart.


4. I pray that you know how loved you are. You are so loved. The Creator of your soul loves you unconditionally.


5. God wants to hear from you, and you need to hear from 'Him'. He desires to spend time with you today. Prioritize 'His' presence.


6. Jesus was no stranger to persecution, and 'He' said you wouldn't be either. When you live like Jesus, you will face persecution.


7. Your prayers rise as a sweet fragrance to God. He is attentive to your prayers. He hears you, and 'He' will answer you.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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