7 secrets to be the best you


1. Stop looking down at your phone every time you feel awkward in public.

This habit is silently killing your self-confidence. Go out and stop being in escape mode.


2. If you are not where you want to be in life then you have no business in going out for drinks every weekend or binge-watching Netflix.

Use this time to learn and make moves that lead you to your goals.


3. Watch the relationships you start.

Pointless relationships are purely waste of time. They drain your energy and leaves you empty, heartbroken and with no purpose.


4. Keep your emotions and feelings outside of your hustle.

Things won't always go as you have planned. However, if you are not already attached to the outcomes, you will stay at peace and in control. So that you can learn, plan and start over again.


5. You are not just an average of your environment and people around you.

You are an average of the choices you make. Nobody is going to push you to do what you are not supposed to do unless you choose.


6. Accept that life has trade-offs.

If you want to be a priest, you can't go to strip clubs. If you want to be a successful person, you must push yourself to succeed.


7. Allow yourself to be beginner.

The system doesn't teach the importance of small steps towards accomplishing your goals. Many people had been programmed in to looking at being beginner as the worst thing, so they don't even try. Embrace the significance of continuously taking small steps.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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