6 ways to clean your mind


1. Start Unfollowing

Unfollow people who do not make you feel empowered, informed or inspired.


2. Be Selectively Social

Be selectively social means intentionally keep your social circle small.


3. Live in the moment

Remember you cannot change your past, but you can shape present. Stay grounded in the present and shift your focus to the things that are within your control.


4. Eat Healthy

Now it is the time to binge eat and take out all your emotions on food. If you must do so, ensure you being healthy.


5. Meditate Alone

Enjoy some self-time, practice meditation in dark room at midnight while listening to nature sounds such as thunder or rain.


6. Take a trip

Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, soak into the serene environment, forget about the city life and all your worries.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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