6 most promising career opportunities


1. Coding

With the coming rise of Web3, AI, Blockchain etc., coding is more valuable than ever. Where to learn it: - YouTube - Codeacademy - The Odin Project - Udemy


2. Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, Copywriting, SEO, Organic Growth, Performance Marketing are the areas which will continue to boom. Where to learn it: - YouTube - Udemy


3. Coaching

The expected market value for Personal Coaching is expected to reach $20 Billions in 2023 and it'll keep on growing. Where to learn it: - Learn from a coach you respect - YouTube - Udemy - Seminars


4. Video Editing

Video content is taking over, and it will continue to dominate as content format. Where to learn it: - Skillshare - YouTube - Udemy


5. Web Development

Every business, startup, artist, NGOs, Government institutes needs website to reach out to people. Where to learn it: - Skillshare - YouTube - Udemy


6. UX/ UI Design

Increased number of websites and apps has resulted in huge demand for User Experience Designs. Where to learn it: - Instagram - YouTube - Udemy


Also Remember:

No amount of information can replace Work and Practice. You will suck when you start but don't let it discourage you. Everyone has to start at some point of time. Now is yours. Keep experimenting and figure out which skill is right for you.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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