50 Short rules for a better life

1. Focus on what you can control. 2. Meditate on your mortality every day. 3. Own the morning. 4. Think progress, not perfection. 5. Value time more than money/ possessions.


6. When you read, ask yourself: 'What do I plan to do with this information?' 7. Try to find the good in people. 8. Never be overheard complaining... even to yourself. 9. Listen more than you speak.


10. Be strict with yourself and tolerant with others. 11. Treat the body rigorously so it better obeys the mind. 12. Learn something from everyone. 13. Define what success means to you.


14. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 15. Find one thing that makes you wiser every day. 16. Study the great minds. 17. Find the beauty in ordinary things.


18. Associate with people who make you better. 19. Associate with people who you can make better. 20. Don't watch the news. 21. Do a kindness every day.


22. Pick up trash when you see it. 23. Don't look outside yourself for approval. 24. Spend time with old people. 25. When evaluating an opportunity, ask yourself: 'What will teach me the most?'


26. Try to be different, and not better. 27. Cut toxic people out of your life. 28. Leave places better than you found them. 29. Spend time in bookstores.


30. Be quiet, work hard, and stay healthy. It's not ambition or skill that is going to set you apart but sanity. 31. Ask: 'Am I using this technology, or is it using me?' 32. Live an interesting life.


33. Remember: 'Nobody is thinking about you. They're too busy thinking about themselves.' 34. Don't just read books, re-read books. 35. Don't talk about projects until you're finished.


36. See opportunities where others see obstacles. 37. Print out good advice and put it where you work. 38. If a book sucks, stop reading it. 39. Be OK with looking clueless or stupid.


40. Do your job - whatever it is - well, because how you do anything is how you do everything. 41. Give up on the idea of getting revenge. 42. Before you act out anger, delay. 43. Don't choose unhappiness over uncertainty.


44. Instead of believing in yourself, generate evidence. 45. Never think you have it all figured out. 46. Focus on the moment, not the monsters that may or may not be up ahead. 47. Go to Sleep early.


48. Relax. (Whatever it is, you're probably taking it too seriously). 49. Take walks. 50. Make a little progress every day. Special One: Under sell and over deliver.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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