20 things to make you more productive than ever


1. Always Cut to the Chase 2. Record all your Thoughts and Ideas 3. Say NO


4. Take a 5-minute Break every 30-45 minutes 5. Eliminate Everything that Distracts You


6. Keep Away Clutter 7. Focus on 1 Thing Some Days 8. Stop Consuming so much information


9. Create Routines 10. Don't Multitask 11. Check e-mail twice a Day


12. No Smartphone during the first hour of the day 13. Plan the Next Day 14. Keep 'Thinking' to a minimum


15. Exercise 16. Laugh A Little 17. Don't Go to meetings


18. Is That Really Necessary? 19. If you're having a Shit*y Day, Press Reset.


20. Do the Work!


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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