19 Tips to Become a Productivity and Performance Expert Today 

1. Clear your head


Regular and preferably daily, brain dumps to get your thoughts onto paper will help create clarity. All it takes is 10 minutes of journaling each day to gain a sense of clarity that will propel you into action.

2. Keep certain times and days clear


Have at least an hour each day and a whole day a week (if possible) where no one can interrupt you, where no one can set meetings etc. Prolonged time to think and perform focus work is the key to solving big problems.

3. Use the 80/20 Rule


The majority of what you are doing doesn't move the needle. You prioritize this majority as its easy. Prioritize the 20% of your actions which produce real results. This is where the magic happens.

4. Time blocking is a Superpower


If you time block your whole day, no matter the size of time blocks you will get much more done. The simple act of knowing 'What to do' and 'When', as well as having deadlines for each task changes the game.

5. Keep it short


Most To-Do lists are far too long... Keep your To-Do list short and sweet, no more than 3 needle moving tasks each day. Apply 80/20 rule.

6. Use a Might-Do list


This means that once you have those needle moving tasks done, if you want to do more work, you can. Simply pick a task from your Might-Do list and get to work.

7. Set Boundaries


Anything that doesn't align with your values and the type of person you are or want to be, say 'No'. No exceptions.

8. Win the morning


Sure, you don't have to get up at 5AM to have a productive day. But whether you get up at 5 AM or 10AM, have a short and powerful morning routine to help you start the day right. Win the morning - Win the day.

9. Don't do your hardest task first


Instead, when you're at your best cognitive ability and do your hardest task then. However, do try to do it as soon as possible to maximize the chances of getting it done.

10. Use the 2-minute rule


Any task that takes less than 2-minutes, such as tiding your desk or making your bed. Do it NOW!

11. Use the 5-minute rule


If you've been putting off a task that needs to be done, tell yourself you only need to do it for 5-minutes and then you can stop if you want. Most probably you'll not stop.

12. Experiment


Just because something works pretty good for you, doesn't mean it's the best option. Try something > Analyse > Implement. This is key for constant progress.

13. Eat more eggs


Natures multivitamins, eat a few eggs each day and practically all your vitamin needs are taken care of. If you are not getting your vitamins, how can you perform optimally.

14. Prioritize Sleep


Few rules for good sleep: - 7 to 9 hours of sleep - no caffeine 10 hours before bed - no blue light 1 hour before bed - supplement magnesium and zinc - eat enough protein

15. Go for a walk with No Music


A walk gets you out in nature and into the sun (nature's medicine), it triggers the release of endorphins making you feel damn good. No music gives your brain time and space to think and solve problems. A walk is the cure to most things.

16. Work on your Passions


At the end of the day, life is too damn short to work on things you're not passionate about or at least, don't enjoy. Work on things you enjoy, and you'll produce higher quality work, in less time and make the most progress and impact.

17. Know when to rest


If we could work all day everyday with no repercussions that would be great. But we can't. Listen to your mind and body and when it's telling you to shut down.

18. Have cut-off times


Even if you enjoy what you do and want to do more work, having cut-off times are great to keep the mind rested and wind down for bed.

19. Work Harder


Chances are you're fluffing about doing busy work, being distracted, getting nowhere and making no progress. Put in the damn work, especially when you're meant to work. After all, life is nothing but a game - you've just got to make the right choices.

Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself. Keep Learning at LTY (Learn That Yourself).

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