15 simple yet powerful habits that will make you disciplined and Help you to build a less dramatic life


1. Start trusting your intuition more often.


2. Stop paying so much attention to the mainstream media.


3. Think of discipline as an activity, not as a personality trait.


4. Spend at least 50 minutes in the gym to boost your confidence, discipline and health.


5. Learn a skill, apply it, share it, monetize it and grow it.


6. Embrace failure but improve each time you fail.


7. Set financial goals and take steps to achieve them every day.


8. Stay as consistent as possible.


9. Realize that not everyone will like your decisions and try not to care when they criticize you, especially when they're criticizing your choices from a place of jealousy or insecurity.


10. Start mastering the boring basics this is how you reach excellence.


11. Embrace discomfort not only helps you grow but it also makes you stronger.


12. Keep in check of your wants and urges.


13. Practice delayed gratification. Temporary pleasure calls for long term misery.


14. Have a healthy relationship with social media and remember you don't have to engage with everything that happens there.


15. Treat your focus like cash. Spend it wisely, because your focus will determine your destiny.


Now, Go Quiet and Start Building Yourself.

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